[hackerrank][python][c++] non-divisible-subset

2 min readFeb 22, 2021


連結: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/non-divisible-subset/problem

這題如果看敘述,一定會被騙到去列排列組合,然後在兩兩相加除 k,嗚嗚


def nonDivisibleSubset(k, s):
res = [0 for i in range (0, k)]
for i in s:
res[i%k] += 1
maxN = 1 if res[0]>0 else 0
for i in range(1, k//2+1):
if (i != k-i):
maxN += max(res[i], res[k-i])
elif res[i] != 0:
maxN += 1
return maxN

概念上就是先建立餘數表,互補的餘數不能同時加到 ans set,所以只能取大的來當作答案


  1. 整除的數只能加一個到 ans set,加兩個就會出現可以整除的數對
  2. 如果除數是偶數,最中間的兩組會互補,所以如果有出現這種餘數,只能加一個到 ans set 中

同場加映 C++ 的解(一年沒寫 C++ 啦,真的快忘光光了):

int nonDivisibleSubset(int k, vector<int> s) {
vector<int> rems(k);
int answer = 0;
// counting input numbers based on their remainders
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)

// comparing pairs of remainders so that r1 + r2 = k,
// and adding up the "population" of the most frequent one
for(int i = 0; i < (k-1)/2; i++)
answer += max(rems[i+1], rems[k-1-i]);

// +1 if tmp%k == 0, and +1 if tmp%k/2 == 0
answer += (rems[0] > 0) + (k%2 == 0 && rems[k/2] > 0);
return answer;



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