Hadoop hive(beeline) drop multiple tables with same prefix
1 min readDec 24, 2020
other key words: drop table with wildcard
Solution in one command:
beeline --outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';" | xargs -I '{}' beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -e 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}'
Solution in script(Option):
> beeline --outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';"> output
> sed -i -e 's/.*/DROP TABLE IF EXISTS&;/' output
> beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -f output
[Create table]
beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hanstable1 (id bigint);"beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hanstable2 (id bigint);"
[Show table]
> beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';"
| tab_name |
| hanstable1 |
| hanstable2 |
However, above result can not pipe to next stage directly, because default output format includes tablebar and header. You can add following options:--outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false
to get table name only.
> beeline --outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';"
[Drop table]
> beeline --outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';" | xargs -I '{}' beeline -u "<JDBC URL>" -e 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}'
[Check it out]
> beeline --outputformat=tsv2 --showHeader=false -u "<JDBC URL>" -e "SHOW TABLES 'hans*';"
No rows selected (0.392 seconds)